Engaging Armed Groups on Environmental Protection and Climate Change
This event will delve into the potential of engaging armed groups on climate issues and the opportunities and complexities involved. It brings together academics and practitioners from ODI, ICRC, the Centre and Fight for Humanity to explore ways for involving armed groups in tackling the challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation.

The Future of Jihadism in Afghanistan
Online Roundtable to discuss the future of Jihadism in Afghanistan, and its various interrelated ramifications, hosted by the LSE South Asia Centre.

From Words to Deeds: A Research Study of Armed Non-State Actors’ Practice and Interpretation on International Humanitarian and Human Rights Norms
Hosted by the Geneva Graduate Institute, this conference explored the findings of a multi-year study on armed group compliance with international humanitarian law and human rights norms.

Beyond Frontlines: Rethinking Control in Civil Wars
King’s College London hosted an online event to discuss the Centre’s latest research on understanding armed group control.
Download the paper here.

Clashes and Contraband - What do we know about smuggling and conflict?
Hosted by LSE, this panel brings together recent and long-standing scholarship on smuggling and conflict, and looks at the future of smuggling and conflict research.

Olive Branches: Cultural Engagement with Armed Groups
The Centre co-hosted an event with the Royal Society of Asian Affairs and Aleph Strategies exploring the nature of engaging with armed groups in Afghanistan, Syria and elsewhere.
Watch a recording of the event online here.

Book Launch: The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling
The official launch of the ‘Routledge Handbook of Smuggling’ with a discussion among the editors and several authors.