Kieran Mitton
Kieran Mitton is a Reader in Conflict, Security and Development in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London, where he is also Research Director of the Conflict, Security & Development Research Group and co-Chair of the Africa Research Group. He cofounded the Urban Violence Research Network (UVRN) in 2018. Kieran specializes in field research on violence and youth marginality, with extensive experience in Sierra Leone, Brazil, and South Africa. He currently leads several funded research projects providing comparative analysis of urban insecurity in Africa, South America, and Europe.
He has published widely on violence, conflict, and post-conflict peacebuilding processes, and is the author of Rebels in a Rotten State: Approaches to Understanding Atrocity in the Sierra Leone Civil War (Hurst/OUP, 2015). He regularly consultants for government, inter-governmental, and civil society organizations focused on peacebuilding and development.