Our Team
Pascal Bongard
Ashley Jackson
Florian Weigand
Albert Souza Mülli
Head of Policy Advice
Alexandra Norodom
Head of Operations & Programme Manager
Ma. Gracia Domanico
Denise Caballero
Our Network
Abdalhadi Alijla
Abellia Anggi Wardani
Anastasia Shesterinina
Anjan Sundaram
Audrey Palama
Benjamin Smith
Chris Rush
Christine Cheng
Christoph Vogel
Clara Voyvodic Casabó
Elena Butti
Eliza Urwin
Emadeddin Badi
Fatima Maoussaoui
Francisco J. Lara Jr.
Hyeran Jo
Irénée Herbet
James Barnett
Jerome Drevon
Jonathan Somer
Jori Breslawski
Katharine Fortin
Kieran Mitton
Koen Vlassenroot
Laura Perez
Leigh Mayhew
Marta Furlan
Martin Ejlskov Hansen
Max Gallien
Michael Nwankpa
Murtala Ahmed Rufa'i
Nadwa Al-Dawsari
Natasja Rupesinghe
Nelson Kasfir
Nesrine Badawi
Nicholas Barnes
Nicholas Pope
Niels Terpstra
Nkwachukwu Orji
Patrick Naef
Peer Schouten
Rahmatullah Amiri
Ronald Ofteringer
Samuel Hmung
Sana Tariq
Sandesh Sivakumaran
Sarah Kilani
Shalaka Thakur
Sophia Dawkins
Soumya Awasthi
Stephanie Diepeveen
Tanya Bandula-Irwin
Taras Fedirko
Theo Tindall
Timor Sharan
Tricia Bacon
Urko Aiartza Azurtza
Vanessa van den Boogaard
Véronique Dudouet
Yvan Guichaoua
Zachariah Mampilly
Our Advisors
Aung Kyaw Moe
Advisor at the Ministry of Human Rights, National Unity Government of Myanmar
Haile Menkerios
Former UN Special Representative to the African Union and Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan
Ilwad Elman
Chief Operating Officer, Elman Peace
Marco Sassoli
Professor of International Law at the University of Geneva
Mark Bowden
Former UN Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Humanitarian Coordinator in Afghanistan
Meredith Preston-McGhie
Secretary General, Global Centre for Pluralism - Centre mondial du pluralisme
Nic Lee
Founder and Executive Director of the International Safety Organisation (INSO)
Shadia Marhaban
International mediator
Ambassador Thomas Greminger
Director of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)
Teresa Whitfield
Former Director of the Policy and Mediation Division at the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
Our Committee
Elisabeth Decrey Warner
Committee Member
Lotti Douglas
Committee Chair
Tom Harrison-Prentice
Committee Member