The Centre on Armed Groups supports efforts to reduce violence and end armed conflict.

We do this through conducting forward-looking research, creating safe spaces for dialogue, and providing advice.

Latest analysis

  • Drivers of ISKP Recruitment in Afghanistan

    This paper offers an in-depth analysis of ISKP’s recruitment strategies, the varied experiences of its members, and the group’s operational dynamics across Afghanistan.

  • Roadblocks and Revenues: The Politics of Passage

    A new working paper series on roadblocks and revenues sheds lights on checkpoints in conflict contexts across the world and provides a new window into dynamics of authority and power.

  • Time for Change: The Normalization of Corruption and Diversion in the Humanitarian Sector

    This paper explores the specific aid practices that enable and perpetuate corruption and diversion in conflict contexts, and what donors and implementers should be doing differently.

What we do


We generate innovative research, policy-relevant evidence and timely analysis on armed groups, from insurgencies to criminal and far-right groups.


We create safe spaces for discussion and learning about armed groups.


We work with a diverse range of actors to support their engagement with armed groups.