Abellia Anggi Wardani


Dr Abellia Anggi Wardani is a Research Director at Knowledge Hub Myanmar - Center for Social Integrity and a lecturer at Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia. She received her PhD in Culture Studies from Tilburg University, the Netherlands. She holds B.A. in French Studies from Universitas Indonesia and in Management of Tourism from Université d’Angers, France. She continued her master’s degree in Management of Cultural Diversity at Tilburg University where she conducted research on community formation among ethno-religiously diverse communities in Bukit Duri slum area along the largest river passing through Jakarta.

For her dissertation, she investigated the intertwined relationships between marketplaces and the peacebuilding process in reshaping the conflict-affected society of Ambon, Indonesia. The study defined peace through the local and organic mechanisms where it found peace was subtly achieved throughout the conflict period through economic exchange interactions. It also found that language was an essential element in building peace which determined the shift in the conflict periods through everyday narratives spoken by the economic actors.

She was a fellow at the University of Sydney Southeast Asia Center, Center for Comparative Studies of Civil Wars at the University of Sheffield, and the Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Study. She started her interest in peace and conflict issues when she joined the Geneva-based Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue from 2015 – 2021 working on active conflict areas in eastern Indonesia. Her research interests range from peacebuilding, economies of peace, ethnography, informal economy, border(land) and community formation in Myanmar and Indonesia.


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