Emadeddin Badi


Emadeddin Badi is an independent consultant that specializes in governance, hybrid security structures and peacebuilding. His thematic research interests include political violence, SSR and DDR, hybrid armed groups, state-building, local governance institutions, informal and illegal economies, extremism, and post-conflict stabilization. He has conducted regular field research in North Africa, primarily on avenues for reforming Libya’s security institutions, armed violence, war economies and cross-border crime.

He is a Senior Analyst at the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime’s North Africa and Sahel Observatory and an Advisor for Libya at the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow with the Middle East Program at the Atlantic Council, where he focuses primarily on the geopolitical and military dimensions of the Libyan conflict. Previously, he was a nonresident scholar at the Counterterrorism and Extremism Program at the Middle East Institute as well as a resident Policy Leader Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.

Emad has authored several book chapters and monographs, and his analysis has been published widely, including with the Brookings Institution, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Chatham House, Foreign Policy, the Middle East Institute, War on the Rocks, the Washington Post, World Politics Review and many others. He holds two bachelors, respectively from the University of Essex and the University of Tripoli, as well as an MSc in Violence, Conflict and Development from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, UK. He is fluent in English, Arabic and French.


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