Sana Tariq


Sana Tariq is a conflict researcher and practitioner in peace mediation and international aid, with experience in the Middle East and South Asia. She is currently working as a researcher with the Centre on Armed Groups looking at peacemaking, humanitarian dialogue and women’s inclusion in Afghanistan. She was previously the Research Fellow for Mediation at the Centre for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies between 2020 and 2023, where she managed track 2 dialogues and research studies in support of Afghan peace.

Prior to that, she was an Analyst with UNESCO for a peacebuilding and humanitarian programme in Yemen, where she conducted operational analysis and developed programme design. Her research interests include peace processes and humanitarian operations, with a focus on the Taliban and other armed group behaviour in West Asia and North Africa.

Her research and commentary on Afghanistan have been published by USIP, The New Humanitarian, Middle East Eye and Lawfare. She has produced briefings for governments on conflicts in the wider Middle East, and has provided research support at the Brookings Doha Center on political economy and violence in the region. Tariq was the recipient of the Phi Beta Kappa Lepgold Award for research and her fieldworkhas been funded by Georgetown University. She holds an MPhil in International Relations and Politics from the University of Cambridge.


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