Véronique Dudouet


Dr. Véronique Dudouet is a Senior Advisor in the Conflict Transformation Research Department of the Berghof Foundation. Since 2005, she has managed multiple collaborative research projects on resistance/liberation movements, peace negotiation, third-party mediation, inclusive political/security transitions, post-war peacebuilding and civil resistance. As part of the Advisory Team, she serves as focal point for inclusivity and participation in peace processes. She conducts regular policy advice, peer exchange, comparative learning and training seminars for political and social stakeholders in conflict-affected countries. She also carries out consultancy research for various international agencies, such as UNDP, UN DPO, OECD-DAC, EEAS. She serves as Steering Group member of the Institut de Recherche sur la Resolution Nonviolent des Conflits (France) and the Politics After War (PAW) network. In 2019, she was a Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington.

Véronique holds an MA and a PhD in Conflict Resolution from the University of Bradford, UK, as well as a BA in political science and a postgraduate research diploma (DEA) in International Relations and Security from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Toulouse, France. She has (co-)authored numerous publications in the field of conflict transformation, including three books: Post-war Security Transitions: Participatory Peacebuilding after Asymmetric Conflicts (Routledge 2012), Civil Resistance and Conflict Transformation: Transitions from Armed to Nonviolent Struggle (Routledge 2014), and Nonviolent Resistance and Democratisation (Palgrave Macmillan 2020).


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