Reports and articles

Transferring climate funds to conflict zones
Analysis ashley jackson Analysis ashley jackson

Transferring climate funds to conflict zones

Conflict-ridden and fragile countries are among the most vulnerable to climate change and least prepared to deal with it. They are largely excluded from climate adaptation programmes and funding. This article charts a path forward on how to address climate adaptation in conflict zones.

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Diverse pathways to people-centred justice
Research Florian Weigand Research Florian Weigand

Diverse pathways to people-centred justice

Globally, most people do not resort to formal justice systems to address their justice problems. Rather, they rely on diverse pathways to justice often referred to collectively as “customary and informal justice.” Published by IDLO on behalf of the Working Group on CIJ and SDG16+, of which the Centre is a member, this report highlights the need for more people-centered approaches to justice.

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Taliban arms management practices
Research Florian Weigand Research Florian Weigand

Taliban arms management practices

This paper argues that we should not see ‘political’ and ‘criminal’ groups as separate categories. Instead, we should envision a spectrum of motives and practices across all armed groups, regardless of how they are labelled.

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